No Regrets is Albert Cummings latest release that will be heading out to the world at the end of August. This blues album has just the right touch of rock and country among other influences to appeal to a wide range of music lovers. In the quest for an amazing musical sound, Albert Cummings (guitar, vocals) is accompanied by Dave Smith (bass), Steve Potts (drums), Rick Steff (keyboard/piano), Jimmy D. Taylor (harmonica) and all the background vocals are covered by Vickie Adkins, Kimberlie Helton and Kevin Paige. The album was produced by Jim Gaines.
No Regrets is an album that will astound and you should allot yourself a few hours of time before you start listening to it, because you will probably want to listen to it a few times once you have heard it.
If first impressions are the most important, then consider “Glass House” a marvelous one to start off this album. The guitar is just fantastic here and, if this song is any indication, it bodes well for the rest of the way. One track in and I am already blown away by the music. The good tunes keep on coming with “500 Miles,” while slowing down the tempo a bit is the sultry “Eye to Eye.” Getting things going again is the roaring “Checkered Flag” It comes out rocking and never stops. It is as energetic and exciting as its subject matter. Taking the sound in a completely different direction is “She’s So Tired,” showing off the versatile nature of music and the emotional depths that can be reached. “Your Day Will Come” marks the halfway point and the album is as strong and rocking as ever.
“Drink Party and Dance” is a celebration of having a good time supported by some killer guitar action. Following up the ode to partying, “Foolin Me” is my favorite song on the album. With its killer bass and clever and biting lyrics such as I think you’re mistaking me for someone who cares, “Foolin Me” is a top quality song that demands repeat listens. The reflective and heartfelt “Home Town” caps off the album with a healthy dose of nostalgia.
The music of Albert Cummings is categorized as blues, but categories are there more for the stores and the critics. Albert Cummings is so good that the music reaches the level of moving beyond categories and genres. It is not something to pass up. With its late August release date, Albert Cumming’s No Regrets is a good way to end the summer.
Key Tracks: Glass House, Checkered Flag, Your Day Will Come, Foolin Me, Mannish Boy,
Brian McKinnon – Sr. Staff
August 3, 2012